I saw three men today pushing a shopping cart with a couple plastic bags from Winco, a local supermarket. The warm autumn sun lit on them and I studied their movements from my car as I turned into the store parking lot. They were, I can only assume, homeless. But they were getting groceries and deciding who was going to push the cart and talking about the hotdogs they bought. They are just people-people without homes.This is the time of year that thousands of ladybugs swarm around our windows and doors, looking for an in. They are, I suppose you could say, homeless. They want to come inside houses and other buildings because they don't like the cold. Simple enough-they just want what everyone else does-shelter.
If you've scanned any of today's headlines you would probalby have come across the news about Southern California and the fires burning there. So far "At least one person was killed in the fires, and dozens were injured. Nearly 130 homes had burned in one mountain town alone, and thousands of other buildings were threatened by more than a dozen blazes covering at least 310 square miles."
Okay, so I know there are lots of people without homes, with any basic shelter at all. This being said, what is going to happen to all the 'richies' who have lost their homes? Sometimes I wish NPR would write a news piece, even an op/ed that pertained to these types of struggles. Even though these people have a multitudinous amount of money, they still deserve compassion and our thoughts and consideration. They, just like the homeless men and the ladybugs, deserve a safe place to call home. I hope they all find someplace safe from the fires this night; someplace they can rest and then start over in the morning.
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