Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sew, how are you?

Dat dat da daaaaa! *flash bulbs exploding* *applause* *astonished faces-first being my mom!*
I just completed a Sewing Basics class tonight. Me and Russian girl. She was very nice, but thought I talked a bit too much. ANYWAY!!!!That is completely beside the point! For the first time since 7th grade home ec. class-(Hi Eric. P. you stupid knee punching bastard)-I sat my ass down in front of a sewing machine and didn't cry!!! In fact, I made a snazzy new kelly green "tote" that will probably be donated to the girl's growing "bag, purse, ensemble" collection due to lack of hand-eye coordination in the stitch department. I would post a picture tonight but in my food-starved haze I only grabbed the necessities from the car this evening-hard cider and mini quiches! I'll take some shots of the bag tomorrow and add them to this little ditty.

Reasons why this class made my day:
Number 1: Made me not afraid of my lovely, charming and talented Viking sewing machine

Number 2: Has inspired me to make cozies for every appliance in the house

Number 3: Helped me get over my fear and shame of creating a windsock entirely opposite the directions given to me in 7th grade

Number 4: Has justified my somewhat impulse buy of my lovely, charming and talented Viking sewing machine

and Number 5: Means I can finally hem all my pants!!! Take that, Size 8 longs!

Now on to Julia Child cooking!! (At least I know a bit more about cooking than sewing!)