Friday, August 28, 2009

No, no no!

I'll be honest. Why not? I am not having a good time. I am not having an easy time. In fact, time and I are not friends right now. I have taken the BFF necklace life gave me and pawned it. I actually screamed every obscenity I know while driving in my car, windows rolled down, to go get my girls from preschool. Why was I doing this? Because I am not having an easy time, and because some strange man decided to wander about the intersection of se 82nd and Foster tonight, looking for the convenience store. Intelligence abounds.
Oh, and I'm sure all this anger/sarcasm/despondency has something to do with other things going on in my life that I feel absolutely no control over. Yay for life! Good job! Way to throw things at me that I can't handle.
I used to hear a bible verse that goes something like, god will never give you more than you can handle. Well, I don't know about any invisible hand tipping the scales out of my favor or anything, but I am feeling like that verse needs a good kick. More than I can handle. I'll show you more than I can handle. Grrrr. Just take a good look at my life.
Not that I tell anyone openly about my life-mainly because I only really talk to one or two people a day outside of work, and two, because I have either managed to alienate my friends, or I operate from an outdated coping mechanism called social anxiety!!!!!
Maybe I'll convince my husband we all need to join the Peace Corp, or a vegan commune, or a religious cult. Or maybe I'll go soak my head. Flip a coin.


Anonymous said...

Hey Erin I am with you. Sometimes we are on the upswing and sometimes on the downturn and the downs can be awful. But isn't joy so much sweeter when we have experienced the depths? Hope things look up soon :)