Friday, November 7, 2008

post script

Computer is back and better than ever! (thank-you Old Town Computers!!)

Zakk has the flu so we gals are fending for ourselves-hopefully a night of a movie and popcorn to sooth the savage beasties!

Now I keep forgetting to charge my phone at home...I wish I could remember everything.

Alternaween: So this year we did things a little different. Somewhat out of necessity and somewhat to keep our sanity!
#1 was a black kitty kat and #2 was a little monkey with a built-in banana in her pocket! Dad was good enough to haul them around from Halloween spectacular at their preschool to our old babysitter's house so we could go out and see a fantastic show just we two!
The children had their fill of spooky cartoons and candy to last them until next year's "scary pirate halloween adventure"!

ps-no-one egged the house while we were gone-thank you NoPo's!